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  • Ad ID: 114135

Vuosikymmeniä toiminut Rautakauppa Mehto Oy

470 000 €
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    €1,000,001 - €2,000,000

Yritys tarjoaa laajan tuotevalikoiman rautakaupan puolelta. Valikoimaa on myös laajennettu työasujen-, vaatteiden ja jalkineiden puolelle sekä tarjolla on myös erikoistuotteita.

Yritys on tunnettu mainiosta palvelusta. Tavaran toimitukset onnistuvat vaivatta vaikka mökkityömaalle saakka ilman odottelua.

Asiakkaina ovat kuluttajat, julkiset toimijat, rakennusliikkeet ja rakennuttajat.

Nykyiset omistajat ovat valmiita tukemaan uutta innokasta yrittäjää liiketoiminnan haltuunotossa.


Hintapyynnön perustelut

Kaupan rahoituksen takaisinmaksuaika on 5,0 vuotta arviolta. Se on aika, jonka kuluessa liiketoiminnan ostoon hankittu rahoitus on korkoineen maksettu rahoittajille takaisin liiketoiminnan kassavirralla. Laskelmassa perusteena oleva vuotuinen käyttökate on takaisinmaksuaikana keskimäärin 51 599 € . Rahoitukselle on oletettu saatavan lyhennysvapaita vuosia.


Tutustu kohteeseen lisää Suomen Yrityskaupat sivuilla:


Yrityskaupassa luottamus on yhteinen asia. Tarkempien lisätietojen saanti edellyttää salassapitosopimuksen allekirjoittamista. Jos haluat tarkempia tietoja tästä kohteesta, ota yhteyttä kohteen välittäjään.


Suomen Yrityskaupat on Suomen suurin ja tunnetuin yritysvälittäjä. Yrityksen omistajanvaihdos, arvonmääritys, yritysjärjestelyt ja sukupolvenvaihdos ovat parasta osaamisaluettamme. Kun etsit luotettavaa kumppania yrityskaupoillesi, olet ostamassa tai myymässä yritystäsi, olemme etsimäsi kumppani.

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  • Janne Flyktman
  • By submitting the message I accept terms and conditions and privacy policy and that the information given will be stored.

    Terms of Use and Delivery Terms


    These terms of use (“Terms”) apply to the supplier’s (“Supplier”) electronic Yrityspörssi service at (“Service”).

    1. Registration

    1.1. Registration to the Service

    Some of Yrityspörssi’s services require registration. These include, among others, placing an ad and buying related additional services.

    All private persons or communities (“User”) who have accepted the service terms may register as Users of the Service.

    A registered User commits to keeping their information accurate and updated. The User commits to not posing as another person, company or representative of a company. 

    1.2. User Identification

    During registration, the User chooses a user ID and a password and defines whether they are using the Service as a private seller/buyer or dealer/expert related to their business. Email address will function as the user ID. The User must store their password carefully so that third parties cannot access it without the User’s consent. The User is responsible for all operations, acts of negligence and other use that is done with their user ID, whether it is a question of legitimate or illegitimate use.

    If the IDs have ended up in the possession of a third party without the User’s consent, the User must notify the Service maintenance immediately.

    Materials supplied to the Service and rights to these kind of materials

    The Supplier is not responsible for the ad material supplied to or presented in the Service, messages or enquiries which Users send each other, contacts that happen between the Users in the Service or other similar activities. 

    The User is responsible for the material they provide to the Service and the materials they provide to other Users in the Service. The User is responsible for ensuring that the materials they provide do not cause a disturbance for the data systems or violate third-party immaterial or other rights, honour, privacy, good practice, the law or authoritative regulations. If the Supplier, an authority or a third party states or suspects that this kind of material has been supplied to the Service, the Supplier has the right to remove the material or in some other way prevent its use without hearing from the User and with no prior warning.

    2. Privacy and Cookies

    2.1 Storing and Processing Data

    As the controller, the Supplier stores the data that the User provides of itself. Data on registered Users is stored in the Service register. The data that the Supplier has stored on the User and the purposes of use are available in the Service’s Privacy Policy.  The data is stored and processed according to the privacy policy and the data protection legislation valid at any given time.

    2.2 Cookies

    In connection with using the Service, the Service may store cookies that are necessary to offer the Service on the User’s device terminal. Even other cookies may be stored on the User’s terminal device and these cookies may be used for the purposes defined in the information related to the use of cookies. The Supplier may complete and change the cookie information at any given moment without notifying the User. By signing the agreement and using the Service, the User confirms that they have read and understood the Cookie information.

    3. Prices, Payment Terms and Payment Methods

    The Service has free sections and services as well as sections and services that are subject to a fee. The basic services included in the Service are free of charge for the User. For example, browsing the ads and adding them to the favourite list and search agent are free features. It is also free to reply to ads. Posting and publishing ads as well as purchasing additional services are subject to a fee. The services that are subject to a fee may include services that are subject to a membership discount for members of the Federation of Finnish Enterprises. In addition, different kinds of products that are subject to a fee may be available for purchase through the Service.

    The Supplier has the right to make parts of the Service subject to a fee. Any changes to the Service prices and the determination of which parts of the Service are subject to a fee shall be communicated before the change takes effect in the Service. The valid payment methods, payment terms and pricing list are available in the Service.

    The Supplier may change the pricing and invoicing principles of the Service according to its discretion by making a notification in the Service or by some other way it deems appropriate. If the value added tax or some other Service-related tax or authoritative fee or the authority’s application method related to them changes, the Service administrator has the right to immediately change the prices accordingly.

    3.1. Paying and Payments

    Payments made with Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard cards or Mobile Pay. 

    Paytrail Oyj (2122839-7) implements the payment transmission service and functions as the payment service provider in collaboration with Finnish banks and credit institutions. In payments made with Visa, Visa Electron or MasterCard, Paytrail Oyj will be the receiver of the payment on the card statement and transfer the payment to the seller. Paytrail Oyj is an authorised payment institution.

    Paytrail Oyj, business ID: 2122839-7

    Innova 2

    Lutakonaukio 7

    FI-40100 Jyväskylä

    Telephone: +358 (0)207 181830

    Online Banks

    Paytrail Oyj (2122839-7) implements the payment transmission service related to online banking payments in collaboration with Finnish banks and credit institutions. From the User’s viewpoint, the Service works like traditional online payments.

    4. Using the Service and Notifications

    The Service must be used according to these Terms and always in such a way that the use does not cause harm or disturbance to the functionality of the Service, the Supplier or other Users, the Supplier or third parties. It is not allowed to use the Service against the law or good practice.

    Provided that the User abides by these Terms, the User shall receive a non-exclusive and limited right to use the Service for the purposes defined in these Terms. Unless otherwise defined in these Terms, the Service shall only be used for personal, non-commercial purposes. However, Users who have registered as Users of the Service also have the right to use the Service and the information it contains for non-personal purposes, if this use relates to the implementation of a sale or purchase assignment of an object assigned to the User and advertised in the Service or selling or buying an object advertised by the User. 

    The User shall not, without a prior written consent from the Supplier, use the Service or the information in the Service to create their own databases or registers to develop a similar service or to produce or make available to the market or resell information contained in the Service to a third party.  

    The User does not have the right to copy, edit, distribute or otherwise forward (incl. by linking) the Service, its parts or the information they received from the Service for reasons other than those referred to in these Terms. The User has, considering the above-mentioned limitations, the right to download and print brochure material related to the objects for the User’s own operations. The User has the right to place a link to their ad on their own website or profile page. The link must direct the visitor to the page in the Service with the object in question and the site must open in its own window. 

    The User does not have the right to edit the source code related to the Service or utilise the form of the Service’s source code.

    The Service publishes standard content ads that concern buying or selling a business or a part of it, financing applications and offering a franchising permit or a service. The Supplier reserves the right to not publish ads that offer only properties, machinery or stock.

    The advertiser submits and processes the ad by itself and is responsible for the contents in it. Ads can be edited with personal IDs. An ad is published as soon as the advertiser has paid for it and ads are not proofread or checked by the service provider before they are published.

    5. Consent to email marketing

    By providing your email address through the Service, you expressly consent to receive promotional and informational emails about our services and news. The purpose of these emails is to improve your user experience and keep you informed of relevant updates, offers and promotions.

    You can opt-out of receiving marketing emails at any time by clicking the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any marketing email or by contacting us at

    Please note that even if you opt-out from receiving marketing emails, we may still send you non-marketing emails, such as those relating to your account or our ongoing business relationships email messages.

    6. Availability of the Service

    The Supplier aims to have the Service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, the Supplier does not guarantee interference-free functionality and availability of the Service or a part of it. The Supplier strives to correct errors in the Service within a reasonable amount of time from when it has been notified of the error. The Service is supplied with the contents, functionalities and features that are available at any given moment. Maintenance measures and possible interference may cause breaks in the use of the Service. The Supplier strives to notify the User of changes or breaks that affect the User within a reasonable amount of time.

    The Supplier has the right to temporarily interrupt producing the Service or decrease the availability of the Service if necessary for (a) change or improvement works; (b) construction or maintenance work on a connection, system, network or equipment; or (c) other reason. The Supplier aims to keep the interruption short-term and to ensure as little inconvenience as possible for the User. The Supplier notifies the User of the interruption within the bounds of possibility.

    The Service is not meant for long-term storage of materials or other information and the User is responsible for making a backup copy of all the materials and other information they have uploaded or saved in the Service.

    7. Immaterial Rights

    The Service and the material available in the Service are protected by copyrights and other immaterial rights.

    All proprietary rights, copyrights and other immaterial rights, such as trademarks, domain names, database rights and business names, of the Service and the data and materials available in the Service (including changes, updates and improvements made to them), with the exception of the materials uploaded to the Service by Users, belong solely to the Supplier and its licensors, and the User shall not be granted any other rights to the Service or related immaterial rights besides the limited right to use the Service according to Section 6 in these Terms. Without a prior written consent from the Supplier, the User does not have the right to use automatic systems (such as “robot”, “spider”, “scraper” and “offline reader” software) to produce copies of the Service, its parts or contents or to make them available to the public.

    The Supplier reserves to itself all the rights that are not explicitly granted to the User in these Terms.

    8. Validity and Termination

    8.1 Validity of the Terms of Use

    These Terms are valid until further notice and shall stay valid for as long as the Supplier offers the Service and the User uses it.

    8.2 Termination of the Service

    If the User violates these Terms, the Supplier may prevent the User from using the Service or remove the User’s materials without warning.

    The Supplier may terminate offering the Service to the User permanently or temporarily at any time for a justified reason without liability for compensation. The above-mentioned justified reason may, among others, be one or several of the following:

    • The User has caused a disturbance for the telecommunications network, telecommunications, other Users or third parties or uses malfunctioning or incompatible devices or software;
    • The User violates the law or uses the Service against these Terms;
    • Regardless of a notice, the User fundamentally violates their obligations as referred to in valid Terms;
    • The User fails to pay for the services they have ordered.

    The User may terminate use of the Service at any time and remove their information from the Service. However, this does not release the User from their obligations that were created before they terminated the use of the Service.

    9. Liabilities

    9.1 Liabilities of the Supplier

    The Supplier is liable to compensate to the User the direct damage caused by the Supplier and pointed out by the User. However, the Supplier’s liability is always primarily limited to reproducing the non-received Service, where possible, and, in any case, only to the purchasing price of the non-received or erroneous Service or a part of it.

    9.2 Limitation of Liability

    The Supplier shall not compensate the User for indirect damages or damages that the Supplier could not have reasonably anticipated. The Supplier shall also not compensate the User for damages caused by factors that are the responsibility of the User or a third party or for damages that are caused by a reason independent of the Supplier.

    The Supplier is not liable for the damages, expenses or losses possibly experienced by the User caused by an interruption, error or shortage in the Service or the loss or corruption of materials and other information the User has uploaded or stored in the Service. The Supplier is also not liable for the operations of third parties, such as providers of telephone services or telecommunications.

    The Supplier is not liable for the materials other Users have uploaded in the Service or information other Users have drafted or attached in the Service, nor is the Supplier liable for any damages, expenses or losses caused by these kinds of materials or information. All opinions, recommendations and advice available in the Service are expressed by Users and Users themselves are responsible for the opinions, recommendations or advice that they have expressed.

    The Supplier strives to ensure that the Service fulfils reasonable data security requirements. However, the Supplier is not liable for the damages, losses or expenses inflicted on the User by a lack of data security or data security risks, such as computer viruses. The User is aware that Internet as an operational environment may cause outages in the Service’s operationality and that data security causes a risk in data systems. The User is responsible for protecting their own computer, data system or other similar device.

    The Supplier’s limitation of liability as a whole is limited to compensating the damages herein defined in Section 10, considering the limitations mentioned elsewhere in these Terms.

    The Supplier is not responsible for the contents of the Service (including links to third-party websites) or their correctness, except for the data contents it produces itself. The Supplier has the right to not publish or to remove from the Service materials that it considers to be against the law or good practice or is damaging or harmful to the Service, Users or a third party. 

    Communication between Users in the Service happens either directly through private messages or indirectly through the contents posted in the Service. The Supplier is not liable for the inconvenience or damages caused to other Users or a third party by the communication between Users or other operations by other Users.

    9.3 Claiming Compensation for Damages

    Compensation must be claimed from the Supplier in writing within one month of when the factor that the claim is based on was noticed or when it should have been noticed.

    9.4 Liabilities of the User

    The User is responsible for their own actions. If the User violates the Terms and the violation causes damages to the Supplier or other Users, the User is liable to compensate for the caused damages to the Supplier. Without limiting the above, if the User attaches to the Service damaged or interference-causing devices, definitions or software or if the error notified by the User is caused by devices, telecommunications, definitions or software managed by the User, the User is liable to compensate the Supplier for all possible damages, losses and expenses caused by it, including and without limitations the expenses caused by troubleshooting.

    9.5. Transferring the User Right

    The User does not have the right to transfer their user right to a third party without a prior consent in writing from the Supplier.

    10. Force Majeure

    A party is released of their responsibilities and liability to pay compensation if the violation of contractual obligations or failure to fulfil them is caused by force majeure. For the purposes of this Agreement force majeure means war, requisition or confiscation for a public need, import and export prohibition, labour disputes, natural phenomena, thunderstorm, storm, fire, a cable or similar damage caused by a third party, floods and water damage, overvoltage from the grid, interruption in the delivery of energy or some other essential raw material, errors in or delayed deliveries of telecommunications, Internet connections or devices acquired from or in the possession of third parties, a cable damage caused by a third party, a factor caused by a third party that is independent of the parties or any other reason that the Party cannot reasonably have foreseen when they signed the Agreement and cannot prevent or surpass its effect. In addition, for the purposes of this Agreement force majeure also includes errors or delays in a subcontractor’s deliveries caused by the factors mentioned in this section.

    If the fulfilment of a contractual obligation is delayed by a reason mentioned in the previous paragraph, the fulfilment time of the contractual obligation is prolonged for as long as is considered reasonable considering all circumstances that affect the situation.

    11. Changing the Terms of Use

    The Supplier may change these Terms by publishing a notification of the change on its website. The modified Terms shall be applied from the time that the Supplier states in its change notification. If the User does not want to abide by the modified Terms, they must terminate the use of the Service.

    12. Resolving Disputes and Applicable Law

    Finnish law is applied to the Service and the Terms.

    Disputes related to the Terms shall primarily be resolved by negotiations between the parties. If the parties are unable to reach an agreement by negotiating, disputes shall be resolved irretrievably by the plaintiff’s choice at either the District Court of Helsinki or a lower court in the plaintiff’s domicile.

    13. Validity of the Terms of Use

    These Terms shall take effect on 26.4.2023 and are valid until further notice.

    In this privacy policy statement, we explain how your personal data is processed in the Yrityspörssi service (“Service”).

    1. Controller and Contact Information

    Name: Y-Pörssi Oy
    Business ID: 2890220-9
    Address: Valimotie 17-19, FI-00380 HELSINKI
    Telephone: +358 (0)10 339 3300

    Contact person: Meri Varkoi-Anhava

    If you have questions related to the processing of your personal data or would like to make a request related to your rights, please be in touch via the contact details mentioned above.

    2. The Purpose of Processing Personal Data

    Purposes of use of personal data are:

    • Implementing the Service, authenticating customer transactions, administration of user information, maintenance and development of customer relationships, invoicing, debt collection and producing services that require registration. The processing of personal data is based on signing and implementing the agreement on the use of the Service. Without processing personal data, we are not able to offer the Service and cannot fulfill the rights and obligations based on the agreement. 
    • Development of our services, marketing, analysis and statistics, opinion and marketing surveys. This processing is based on legitimate interest or your consent.
    • Personal data in the customer register may also be used for direct marketing purposes by the controller or third parties (including targeting marketing, profiling and segmentation) according to the personal data legislation and guidelines by the data protection authorities.

    3. Content of the Register

    The information that the User or community provides as they fill out the registration form when they join the Service is stored in the register.

    For a private person, this information contains:

    • First and last name (if provided)
    • Email address
    • Telephone number
    • Street address (if provided)
    • Region (if provided)
    • City (if provided)
    • Postal code (if provided)

    For a community, this information contains:

    • Name of the company
    • Business ID
    • Street address
    • Region
    • City
    • Postal code
    • Name of contact person (if provided)
    • Telephone
    • Email address

    In addition, the register may include other service-specific information that the User has provided.

    As we collect information, we strive to inform the User of which information is mandatory for the fulfillment of the agreement related to the Service and which information is voluntary.

    In addition, we collect so-called observed data based on the use of the Service with the help of cookies and similar techniques. We can connect this observed data to your personal information if you are logged in to the Service. More information on the use of cookies in the Service is available in our cookie policy.

    Information is stored in the register for the duration of the use of the Service. After this, we may keep your data for direct marketing purposes unless you have exercised your right to object. We abide by storage times as referred to in valid legislation and regulations.

    4. Regular Sources of Information

    The information provided by registered Users (for example, online, by telephone, email, letter, in person or by some other corresponding method) is stored in the register. In addition, information that is collected with the help of cookies or other similar techniques or formed through the production or maintenance of the Service may be stored in the register.

    5. Disclosures and Transfers of Information

    The controller may disclose personal data for direct marketing purposes as well as for opinion and marketing surveys to Yrityspörssi’s collaboration partners unless denied by the User. In this connection, personal data may be registered in the databases of parties operating as collaboration partners, whereby these parties process the provided data independently as controllers when making decisions on offering products to the User.

    The controller may disclose data to authorities according to the limits allowed and obligated by valid legislation. In addition, data may be disclosed in connection with a transfer of business operations or some other merger and acquisition transaction.

    Data is in general not transferred outside the EU or the European Economic Area. However, this kind of data transfer is possible if it is necessary for the technical implementation of the Service. In this case, we make sure to implement the transfer according to the safeguards required by data protection regulation.

    One of the purposes of the Service is to enable communication between Users, for which purpose the personal data provided by the User, such as name and contact details, may be published in the Service in connection with the User’s ads.

    6. Principles of Protecting the Register

    The register is maintained in electronic format. Only appointed persons authorized by the controller may use the entire register. The persons processing the register have a personal maintenance and processing right as well as a personal user name and password. Logins to the system are saved in a log file. Data is stored in a database that is protected with passwords and firewalls. There is no manual material.

    7. Checking, changing and erasing your data

    We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to check, correct or remove information you think is inaccurate.

    Right of access, the right to have data rectified and the right to have data removed: You can request a copy of the information that we hold about you free of charge.

    Data related to yourself can be checked, controlled and erased at any time for free by logging in to the Service with the personal user ID and clicking the My data icon at the top of the page and selecting ”Unsubscribing” > ”Delete account” or by making a request in writing to the below address.

    You also have the right to request the erasure of you data (“the right to be forgotten”) based on legal grounds, for example, if personal data is no longer needed for the purposes that it has been processed for or if you suspect that the processing has been unlawful.

    If you would like to ask about any additional data we hold about you, we will need to verify the identity of the person making the request, using ‘reasonable means’. This will include asking for some details to verify your identity. Please include proof of your identity and address (e.g. a copy of your driving licence or passport, and a recent utility or credit card bill) and specify the personal data you want access to.

    Postal Address: Y-Pörssi Oy, Valimotie 17-19, 00380 Helsinki, Finland

    We will respond to your request within one month of receiving it. Once you have received your details you also can request that we correct or delete any inaccuracies in this information free of charge. Please follow the same process as above and specify which information is incorrect and what it should be replaced with.

    The right to withdraw consent: Where processing is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of measures carried out before the withdrawal.

    You can withdraw any consents given at any time for free by logging in to the Service with the personal user ID and clicking the My data icon at the top of the page and going into section ”Unsubscribing” and selecting which consent you want to give.

    Transfer of data: You have the right to have the personal data you have provided transferred for the parts where we process your personal data automatically based on consent or agreement. Once we have received a request, we provide the data subject’s personal data to the data subject in a machine-readable format.

    The right to object to direct marketing and profiling related to it: You have the right to at any time object to the processing of their personal data for direct marketing and related profiling by contacting the Supplier via the aforementioned contact details or by using the links that are in the Supplier’s marketing messages.

    Right to object and restrict: You may object the processing that is based on legitimate interest on the grounds of your personal situation. For example, in this kind of situation the processing is restricted while the grounds to object to the processing are evaluated. The processing may also be restricted, for example, when a data subject contests the accuracy of the personal data, whereby the processing is restricted for a period that enables the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data.

    The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint related to the processing of their personal data with a competent supervisory authority ( if the data subject believes that the controller has not processed the data subject’s personal data according to the manner required by applicable legislation or duly implemented the data subject’s requests related to their rights.

    You can contact us regarding any of the personal data issues by phone +358 10 339 3300, email or by mail to address mentioned above.

    8. Automated Decision-Making and Profiling

    We do not use data for automated decision-making or related profiling.

    9. Changes to this Privacy Policy

    We develop the Service and our operations constantly, so we may make changes to this privacy policy from time to time. We always strive to inform you of the changes beforehand. However, we recommend that you regularly familiarize yourself with this privacy policy.

    This privacy policy is updated 1.9.2022. 

    Cookies on Yrityspörssi

    We may collect data on the user’s terminal device with the help of cookies and other similar techniques, such as pixel tags and the browser’s local data storage. Through this, Yrityspörssi and its collaboration partners collect information on how and when the online service is used and aim to develop their services. In addition to target marketing, Yrityspörssi’s collaboration partners may use cookies or pixel tags (for example, Facebook pixel) on Yrityspörssi’s website, which collects data on the user’s visit to the different parts of the Yrityspörssi website and how you use the contents of the site. Data collected with the cookies and pixel tags is used to create target groups based on the user’s interests and to produce targeted marketing. If, for example, you visit the Financiers section on the Yrityspörssi website, you might see marketing from the financier in question on another website. The targeting of marketing carried out with these techniques does not individualize the visitor and the data is not connected with any personal data possibly obtained from the visitor for some other reason. Data collected with cookies cannot be used to identify individual users. 

    A cookie is a small text file that the browser saves on the user’s terminal device. Cookies often include an anonymous and individualised identifier with which we can identify and count the browsers that visit our website. We use both first- and third-party cookies. Third parties may place cookies on a user’s terminal device as the user visits our services to collect statistics on the number of visitors on the different sites and to target marketing. A pixel tag is a piece of code, the size of one pixel, that is included on the website. Third parties mean parties outside Yrityspörssi, such as providers of measurement and tracking services as well as Yrityspörssi’s marketing partners.

    We use Leadoo’s tracking service to follow what users are doing on the site and combine this behavioral data with other data we can gather from e.g. chat interactions. Leadoo uses etag tracking in order to hook together the same users behavior over several sessions. Please check out Leadoo Marketing Technologies Ltd’s Privacy Policy ( for more information on what is tracked and what your rights are. Leadoo works as the Processor and we work as the Controller for the data in terms of GDPR. You can stop the tracking by emptying your browser’s cache after the visit. For more on how Leadoo works as a GDPR compliant processor, see

    Even if your browser is likely to approve cookies with default settings, it is generally possible to modify the browser settings so that you can block and remove cookies from your device. In addition, on the platform of one particular social networking service, you may modify your privacy settings on the profile page of the service in question if you have registered for the service. However, certain online services or parts of them require accepting cookies to function. We may also carry out short-term research to improve the usability of our website; we may also store data on how a user moves their mouse or clicks on a certain page.

    Our service may also include links to other sites and social networking sites, but we are not responsible for the privacy policies or contents on these third-party sites. We recommend you familiarise yourself with the privacy policy terms of these services before you use them.

    You can find more information on cookies from, for example, More information on behaviour-based targeted marketing and your chances to affect it is available at

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